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klystron oscillator中文是什么意思

用"klystron oscillator"造句"klystron oscillator"怎么读"klystron oscillator" in a sentence


  • 调速管振荡器
  • 调速振荡, 调速管信号产生器
  • 速调管振荡器


  • High power radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode
  • Radial klystron oscillator driven by intense relativistic electron beam
  • Calculation for a coupling coefficient of two modulation cavities in a relativistic klystron oscillator
  • Study of one new hpm radial klystron oscillator with foldaway concentric circular cylinder resonant cavity
  • This new radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode is designed and simulated by 2 . 5 - d pic code
  • The improved microwave output power and efficiency are obtained . ( 1 ) the radial klystron oscillator with foldaway - concentric cylindrical resonant cavity is researched firstly
  • Several new styles of radial klystron oscillators are studied theoretically and numerically . these new members include : the radial klystron oscillator with foldaway - concentric cylindrical cavity , the radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode and radial reflex klystron with open foldaway - concentric cylindrical cavity
  • The feed - back provided by the reflected electron beams reduce the start - up current and the start - up time in a vircator , while the existence of klystron cavity improves the extracting efficiency , hence the radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode combines the advantages of both devices , becomes a compact , efficient set
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